Friday 20 September 2013

‘Aviva- What’s your big plan’

'Aviva-What's your big plan'.

Well everyone be it a rich man or a common man has a plan or say 'Big Plan' in his life.Well even I have lots of big plans in my life.Lets get started then on my life and career's big plans.I come from a middle class family and a middle class person has some basic plans which he considers are very big.I have recently concluded my B.E in Electronics and I have also landed a job in an IT firm.But my aspiration is to complete my masters in my area of specialisation i.e Electronics and work in my field.I want to join organisations like ISRO,DRDL ,Intel,AMD and do my bit towards some great work done in these organisations.I want to do something new and innovative in the field of technology.Maybe get some patents.I want to be a good engineer first and I also want to contribute towards India's success with my work.I want to contribute to India's growth and development with my work in field of science and technology.

                             I want to also give something back to the society.After I get well settled in my life and if I get the required resources I want to set up a school and a pre university college in my area which caters to underprivileged children and poor.A school which provides free education to underprivileged children who cannot afford it.I always think that the best gift that we can give to poor and underprivileged children is by providing them good education.Its very important that everyone in our country gets proper education because youth is the future of India.We must ensure that no child in India is illiterate.Good education helps in all round development of an individual.

                                  Even after get retire from my profession and my work ,I want to be involved in charity work and philanthrophy.It gives me immense pleasure to help others achieve their goals and dreams.Its such a beautiful feeling when we are able to wipe off other's tears.

                                             There are my personal plans as well.I really want to gift my parents a luxury car and fulfill all their wishes.They have been my support system and my inspiration throughout my life.They have always supported me through my ups and downs.It would be just a small token of gift and appreciation from me.I really want to see them happy in the future.They have gone through a lot to educate us and whatever I'm today is only because of them.I really want them to be healthy and prosperous throughout their lives.

                      Finally its my dream to see India becoming a developed country and an advanced country.I want to see India progressing in every aspect and every field.
                                                                              These are my big plans and I will try my level best to secure them.



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