Sunday 15 September 2013

Why I love Blogging

Reasons why I love blogging.......

Well Blogging may be profession for some,time killer for some,fun for some but for me it's a passion.I just love blogging because i love writing.Writing gives me freedom to explore my creativity and bring ideas out of my head and urges me to think out of box.Blogging helps me to write whatever and whenever I can.It gives me an opportunity to express my ideas,opinions on different issues that I like.In the process my writing skills get honed.
Blogs are really important and can influence lives of others.It gives me a chance to express myself and makes me realize how awesome life can be with blogging.Blogging can also change people's perspectives and ideas when they read our blogs.
Blogging also changes the way you look at the world and its objects.The way I used to look at world completely changed after I started blogging.Blogging also makes me a perfectionist.Well I  decide to write on some topic,then suddenly I realize that I can add more to it.It urges me to research on the topic,then create a draft and organize the matter.Blogging makes me learn something new everyday.I get to learn so many things while researching a topic.I just love to blog on Football and Movies.I must say blogging has helped me to manifold my knowledge by many times.Blogging also helps me to communicate with new people and I get to learn from their ideas and comments.It helps building a community whose interests are same and who share same thought process.

                       Blogging helps me to find ways to make a thing more beautiful.With my experience of blogging,I can make a thing much better.Blogging gives me a complete pleasure and feeling that Iam working from comforts of my home.
 Blogging is fun and enjoyable.Yes you heard it right.It never gets boring.There are various and millions of topics to choose from and explore.It really helps me to write stuff about things I like and connects me to like minded people.

           Blogging makes a difference in everyone's life.Whether you blog for money,or you might blog for your business,blog for fun,it certainly influences your activities in life.Blogging can also be used to raise money and spread awareness through blog posts.Blogging helps us to share our knowledge to wider audience.It gives life to our passion through words.

                 Blogging improves our personal profile.It improves our communication and writing skills.It helps to exhibit our portfolio.It helps us to find people who love our skillset.I love to write passionate blogs.Blog can educate ,inform and instruct readers on acertain topic.

                Blogging is like making a movie.I first decide the topic and do your research on it.Then I start writing about it.I may even write multiple drafts of it,Then organise it ,edit it and present it to the viewers and even allow them to have a feedback.Isnt it awesome?? 

            So,Blogging is a passion to me.It gives me immense pleasure to write something new.Some of my posts are short and sweet ,some are long like this one but they all have a purpose.It gives me the opportunity to let loose my fingers on the keyboard and come with something creative and new.I get pleasure from words that Iam typing,if Iam wrong theres always a delete button.Its the perfect getaway to challenge our mind. Thats why I love and adore BLOGGING so much.



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